Saturday, December 31, 2011

Your life will be sucked up into a tornado and spit back out!

So I mentioned that AJ (my son) is now about 5.5 months old. Here's a brief recap of the first month.

July 20th--AJ was born at 2:29AM ( After 16 hours in labor, this is a story in and of itself)
The first month was a lot of adjusting. No one really tells you how hard it is to have a new baby. Everyone tells you your life will change, but it doesn't just change it's thrown up into a tornado and spit back out. You will be covered in pee, puke, poop, etc. You will wipe up spit up with your shirt, and there will be days where you can barely fit in a 5 minute shower. If you're breastfeeding you will encounter a whole other set of challenges. Your breasts will hurt and you'll want to give up! But if you're anything like me, you'll keep on going because you know it will get easier (and it DOES) and that it's the best thing for your baby!

I was not prepared! Don't get me wrong, AJ was planned and we were so excited to have him but nothing can preapre you for this. Looking back now, it wasn't so bad. I have a very handsome little man that now smiles, laughes, rolls over and is getting ready to crawl. But at first all they do is cry, pee, poop, sleep, and eat. Take help whereever you can get it!

Here he is at one month old!

Once you get through the first month, it gets easier. It was great once I didn't have to support his head to hold him.

Ladies--if you're breastfeeding go out and buy ice packs and breast shells. Nap when you can and make it a point to get out of the house everyday.

Men--Be supportive! Do NOT under any circumstances compare your breastfeeding wife to a cow. (My husband was great!!!!) Cook and clean and help with the baby whenever you can.


Friday, December 30, 2011

What Raisin' Baby Cain is all about

So, I decided to start a blog...why? Well, I am like many other women out there. I work full time, my husband works full time and we have a new baby. Well, I say new...he is now 5.5 months old. This blog is dedicated to talking about real issues and sharing funny parenting stories. As much as we hate to admit it, we've all done some things that might not have turned out like we'd hoped.

A bit about me: I like to think I'm a young mom, although I am 30 (shhhhh!). I work very hard at my job (I just got a promotion!). I enjoy making crafts...when I have time, cooking (mostly baking), taking on new challenges, watching any before/after shows (mostly on HGTV), I am an only child (gasp! (and no I NEVER wanted a brother or sister)). I will probably tend to share random stories as well as talking about raising my baby.....don't worry...I'm told I am a great story teller.

So there it is, my first entry. Oh did I mention, I have the cutest baby ever!!! (Well, I did now!)

Hoping to make you laugh, smile, think, and give you great advice and ideas,