Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mother's Guilt

I was talking to one of my girl friends the other day about struggles as a new mother. We had both talked about how being a working mother is tough. You struggle everyday with dropping off your baby at daycare and only being able to see them a few hours a day. Any activites that you do that don't involve the baby at home you feel guilty about. I guess that's mother's guilt. But really, why do we feel like we have to be perfect. We're supposed to be a good mother and wife, successful at our job, keep the house clean, cook meals, and still have time to make ourselves look good. WOW! I mean really....that's not even possible. Luckily, my husband helps a lot with the cooking and cleaning but I still feel pressure to do it all.

When will this stop? When will I realize that I have to give up some things to be good at others. Obviously, my most imporrant job is to be a good mom to AJ.

Well, AJ is sick and that's all the time I have to write for the week.