Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Holy stress!

Ok, so we are moving! We are trying to sell our house and of course buy a new one in a town three hours away. I am also commuting up to my new office two days a week. AJ is teething and is going through a bit of seperation anxiety and perhaps a growth spurt!

So, I am stressed! The new job is very interesting and very very busy!

As you can see above, AJ can stand with support. He cannot go from sitting to standing on his own but he is still growing so fast!

So the title of my blog is raising a baby as a full time working mom while trying to stay sane. I'm on the edge of sanity looking over! I know we will make it through this and everything will be great, but man it is hard right now.

The good news is, I just got an email from the daycare in my office building. They have an opening starting February 13th! How great is that?

Monday, January 9, 2012

He's so cool his hair grows in a mohawk!

Months Two through Five

 Month Two: Still at home and going a bit crazy!

By the second month, I was starting to go a bit stir crazy! I loved being home with lil AJ but I longed for time out of the house talking to adults. I would go to CVS when my husband got home or would just go drive around and listen to music for awhile. Of course, I was never gone for more than 15 minutes....I just couldn't seem to take time for myself without feeling guilty. A word of advice, try your best to have some time to yourself...for your sake, your baby's sake, and your husband's sake. By month two breastfeeding was second nature (see I told you it would get easier). He was getting cuter (as if that was possible) and growing by leaps and bounds.

Month three: I'm not going to cry....yeah right!

By month three I was back to work. Little did I know I would encounter one of the hardest things I ever had to do....leave my baby at daycare! I told myself I wouldn't cry until I got out to the car! HA! As soon as I went to try to leave, I couldn't and I was in tears. Of course, it's a normal response. You're leaving your baby with "strangers" for the first time. But I thought I could be tough and power through it. Not only did I cry at daycare but about 3/4 of the way to work. It was a rough few days but it did get easier. I made my first day a Friday, so I wouldn't have to suffer through a whole week of being away from AJ and the next week I took off Wednesday so I was only away from him a few days at a time at first. I would highly recommend that!

Month Four: He smiles, He laughs, He's perfect!
Well, let me tell you....nothing is sweeter than a baby laugh and a smile at you. It makes anything that was hard in the first three months all worth while. He looks so grown up in his 4 month picture and he has grown. He's so much more fun at this age. We also started rice cereal which he ate pretty well. Being the typical boy, he found fart noises sooo funny as well as telling him he had "stinky feet". He had his first vacation this Phoenix. He flew on a plane...which he was great on, went swimming for the first time, and went to his first "work conference". He was the life of the party!

Month Five:Sitting up, Standing up, Oh my!

Yes that's right at five months, he could sit up on his own. Well, he couldn't go from laying down to sitting up ....but once sitting up he supported himself. He also stands will support...but doesn't quite have the balance thing down. He's getting more hair but mostly in the middle. We joke that's he's so cool, his hair just grows in a mohawk!

Love this little man and can't wait to see what's next!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aj's got a sick rummy tum tum

Well, it's officially happened baby AJ is sick. I had to go pick him up from daycare today because he threw up everything he ate. Poor lil bugger! I keep asking him how his rummy tum tum is doing (his tummy) and he just doesn't seem to feel well. He's thrown up on daddy twice already and he's just not quite the happy boy he usually is. See that pouty face!

His favorite toy is still his wipes! Yes, we got him all of these expensive toys and his favorite thing right now is a package of wipes. Don't get me wrong, he likes his dog "Scout" and his pig tambourine as well, but those wipes are just his favorite!

My guess is that he'll need extra snuggles tonight.

Maybe he's sick from Ohio State's performance this weekend. I think that may make anyone want to puke....or cry!