Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Holy stress!

Ok, so we are moving! We are trying to sell our house and of course buy a new one in a town three hours away. I am also commuting up to my new office two days a week. AJ is teething and is going through a bit of seperation anxiety and perhaps a growth spurt!

So, I am stressed! The new job is very interesting and very very busy!

As you can see above, AJ can stand with support. He cannot go from sitting to standing on his own but he is still growing so fast!

So the title of my blog is raising a baby as a full time working mom while trying to stay sane. I'm on the edge of sanity looking over! I know we will make it through this and everything will be great, but man it is hard right now.

The good news is, I just got an email from the daycare in my office building. They have an opening starting February 13th! How great is that?

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